Life with Kundalini: My Ongoing Journey of Inner Transformation
Wondering what life after Kundalini is like? In this post, I share my personal experience, revealing the ongoing shifts and changes that have unfolded over the years and how to embrace this transformative journey.
My Kundalini awakening started in 2012. My life has changed a lot since then, and it continues to evolve. Looking back, it almost feels like a lifetime ago when I used to work in technology. Always innovating and looking for new business opportunities in the market, I founded four tech startups and worked with many startups to launch their tech products.
In the eyes of others, I was living an exciting and successful life. Internally, I was deeply unhappy, but I was good at hiding it! Back then, in my early thirties, I had barely scratched the surface of understanding myself and who I truly am. This all changed as my Kundalini awakening progressed, and I shed false ideas about who I am like the serpent sheds its skin. Over time, I discovered my authentic self.
After a significant shift in my Kundalini Awakening in 2018, I quit my tech career to embrace my purpose to assist others in their Kundalini awakening.
Maybe it will give you comfort, knowing that Kundalini awakening is not a one-time event; it is a profound journey that unfolds over many years. And that’s a good thing! Because so many changes happen on an energetic and metaphysical level, your body and mind need time to adjust. Throughout my Kundalini awakening, I've always felt supported by the process itself, receiving as much change as I could integrate at each stage. Has it been challenging? Of course! Spiritual awakening requires courage to step into the unknown.
After years of resistance to live my most authentic life, I am birthing more and more of my authentic expression into our world. Fear of being judged, shamed or rejected by others still comes up sometimes, but nowadays, is more like a gentle whisper that no longer controls my choices and actions.
I learned about myself that I love to explore consciousness! And so I changed my life to pursue my happiness. I began to compose music and sound journeys that serve as a sacred bridge to enter altered states of consciousness. I also meditate, I read, I write, and I spend lots of time in nature to connect with Mother Earth.
In general, my life has slowed down and I’m dancing to the rhythm of my own drum. I am present and enjoy each moment. I feel life deeply, and I feel deeply alive.
Kundalini Awakening changes us on a cellular level, bringing us into alignment with our higher self so that we can discover who we truly are. With this new awareness and energetic alignment, we naturally gravitate towards people, events and experiences that resonate deeply with our soul and spirit and thus inherently support us in our personal growth and human evolution.
I’m excited for you to discover how standing in your fullest expression, where love radiates from every cell of your being, will initiate you into creating a life for yourself that is beyond your wildest dreams.
This is our journey of awakening to our true self and limitless potential, and it continues to unfold in beautiful and unexpected ways.