The 7 Stages of Kundalini Activation

Ever wondered about the stages of Kundalini Awakening? Kundalini energy is super-charged transformative energy and a lot has been happening in my own Kundalini Awakening and spiritual journey since 2012.

In this short film, I share with you the 7 stages of Kundalini Activation and my experiences expanding consciousness over time.

Whilst Kundalini energy is particularly known for its spiritual awakening qualities, we can work with this potent energy to enhance our well-being, accelerate our personal growth and so much more. I’m aware that not everyone’s goal is enlightenment and sitting on a mountain top in meditation for the rest of their life :)

And whilst being on the topic of enlightenment, it is often misunderstood. Many people think it is a goal to achieve with a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but to me, enlightenment is the journey of embodying your wholeness.

To recap, here are the 7 Stages of Kundalini Activation:

1) Awakening. You experience a heightened awareness about surroundings, a growing fascination with spiritual concepts, and a persistent feeling that there's more to life than meets the eye. Your intuition becomes sharper and I yearn to explore the depth of my being.

2) The Choice Point. You become increasingly aware of inauthentic patterns and limitations that have held you back. You have to choose: do you retreat to your comfort zone or embrace the path of transformation?

3) Transformation. As Kundalini energy begins to move, it stirs up emotional blockages and past traumas that have been lying dormant within you. You experience physical sensations, along with vivid dreams and periods of deep introspection. This is a time for immense inner work.

4) Psychic Abilities. As energy pathways open and blockages clear, your intuition heightens and you experience an increased sensitivity to subtle energies. It is important to navigate this stage with discernment. Grounding practices and a strong foundation in your spiritual principles help to ensure these abilities are used for the highest good.

5) Metaphysical Abilities. You have experiences that transcend the physical world such as out-of-body moments, encounters with spirit guides and a deeper connection to universal consciousness. Whilst these moments are awe-inspiring it is important to maintain a balanced perspective and integrate them safely into my daily life.

6) Universal Understanding. The veils of separation begin to thin. You experience a growing sense of oneness with all things and a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of existence. This leads me to profound feelings of peace, compassion, and acceptance for yourself and others.

7) The Great Awakening. The illusion of separation dissolves completely. My ego, the sense of a separate self, falls away, revealing my true essence – pure consciousness, boundless love, and complete unity with all that is.

It’s a non-linear journey…

Having worked with 1000+ clients, I’ve come to learn that the 7 stages of Kundalini Activation are not always linear, and the experience can be unique for each individual. I recommend that you approach your journey with an open mind, a gentle heart, and a willingness to surrender to the transformational power within. That’s the key!

Ready to embark on your Kundalini activation journey?

Kundalini Activation happens through frequency. It’s a fascinating topic I want to write more about in future. If you have questions about this, let me know!

Frequencies can be transmitted by a person, but also sound. Specific sound frequencies and vibrations can resonate with your chakras, gently stimulating them and facilitating the activation of Kundalini energy.

And because of that, I began 5 years ago to learn music production, because it is more scalable than me facilitating sessions in person or online. It gives flexibility as you can enjoy Kundalini Activation when you have time.

Listening to the 30-minute Kundalini Activation sound journey “Inner Fire” to begin or continue your spiritual awakening.

“Inner Fire” is a 30-minute sound journey. Listen to sample ↓

So how do we begin?

  • Become a member to access “Inner Fire” which is a 30-minute Kundalini Activation sound journey. Listen as often as you like!

  • Set aside 30 minutes in a quiet space where you won't be disturbed.

  • Sit comfortably with your spine erect, and close your eyes.

  • Focus on your breath, taking slow and deep inhales and exhales.

  • As the sounds wash over you, allow your body to relax and become receptive to the vibrations.

  • Observe any sensations or emotions that arise without judgment.

Remember, Kundalini activation is a personal journey. There's no right or wrong way to experience it.

Embrace the process, and be open to the transformative power of sound. You might just discover a wellspring of energy and potential waiting to be unleashed within you.

Much love,
Sky xx


Embody the Frequency of Transformation with this Advanced 6-Month Kundalini Activation Training


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